In this series, we’ll be sharing some of our favorite summer discoveries that have quickly become summer necessities. Warm-weather travel and weekend escapes call for packing light, so it’s good to know what’s really worth it’s weight.

The first featured brand is Francli Craftwear. Francli is the brainchild of two Cornish designers, Alison Goodman and Frances Baseley. They met in university and both moved to London to be designers, but the appeal of that plan quickly wore off. In Goodman’s own words:

We both started our design careers by following the usual route to London. However, we quickly discovered how susceptible we are to city anxiety and materialistic pressure. Over-worked and creatively stale, we longed to be back in Cornwall where the cold sea can cure any bad mood, lethargy or hangover. So we decided to take a different path, one that was scary but one we could be proud of. We moved back to Cornwall, bought a 1930’s Singer and became our own bosses. 

Francli is founded on a few key principles. First, and perhaps most importantly, they value sustainable sourcing and durable production over short-term gains. Every thing you purchase from them comes with a little tag that says where it’s materials were sourced. The utility pouches we’ve been carting things around in were made from surplus materials from the local boat industry.eeked3

Our favorite Francli items are their utility pouches (I know what you’re saying: “but I have so many bags!” Well, not like this. These are heavy duty, minimal, and effortlessly styled. We’ve used them to carry small odds and ends on a camping trip (multi-tool, extra cord, extra headlamp, lozenges) and makeup to a wedding) and their phone case. This little buddy is the perfect size for a phone and some cash, and it can be worn comfortably around your neck or at your belt. I wore it to a concert where I couldn’t take a bag (but this got in) and I imagine this would be a great thing to have at a concert or on a job where you’re always moving and on your feet. It’s the perfect solution for those of us who brush off purses but who also don’t like to shove everything in pockets. Like I said, it’s a summer necessity.IMG_20160711_090930451

The Francli phone case featured here is their first model, but they’ve got others in different sizes. If you’ve been wracking your brain for an upcoming birthday or wedding gift, choose a women-owned, sustainable business.

And, even better, you’ve got a chance to win some Francli gear in the next two weeks. We’re running a giveaway to celebrate our release in bookstores, and Francli will be one of the featured prizes in the next few days. Good things come to those who wait. And those who enter contests. 

Summer Stuff 2016

This review is part of our gear series featuring summer discoveries that have quickly become summer necessities.